What Does Boiler Servicing Entail?

With summer coming to end in just a few short weeks, more and more people will be booking towards their annual boiler service. How often you should service your boiler is very much open to debate, however, everyone seems to be in agreement that boiler servicing is paramount at least once a year.
Well people are in agreement that you must get your boiler serviced once a year, exactly what a boiler service constitutes can seem quite confusing to some people.
At Royale Boilers, we provide high quality boiler servicing from our experienced team of heating engineers from Stoke-on-Trent. As such, we thought it an opportune time for us to detail exactly what a boiler service entails.
What Is Boiler Servicing?
To put it simply, a boiler service is the examination and assessment of your boiler by a highly trained heating engineer. The service usually ensures that your boiler will run efficiently and smoothly all year round. The process usually takes around an hour to complete, but this very much depends on if there are any issues or problems to the application at hand.
if he is providing the service in the UK, the heating engineer that initiates the servicing process has to be Gas Safe registered. Luckily, at Royale Boilers, all of our heating engineers are Gas Safe registered.
The qualified heating engineer will go through a thorough and all encompassing checklist to ensure your boiler is safe, secure and efficient going forward. In short, if you want your heating system to have a prolonged lifes[an while also running efficiently, you should get your boiler serviced on an annual basis at least.
What the Service Entails?
As previously alluded to, the heating engineer will have a specific checklist they must go through to ensure all possible avenues have been exhausted. While this checklist is pretty all encompassing, it is by no means universal as far as processes go.
Depending on your boiler and other contributing factors, your service might actually be different to this checklist. This being said, let’s detail some of the most common factors of any boiler service.
A Visual Inspection
We start with potentially the most self explanatory part of a boiler service, that of course being a visual inspection. The visual inspection carried out by the gas safe registered engineer examines if there are any visual issues or irregularities with the heating system.
Operation and Control Tests
Whether you have a standard gas boiler, LPG boiler and a more renewable source of heating, your heating system will have certain mechanisms that require testing during a service. During your service, the heating engineer will use their expertise to test the aforementioned controlling functions.
Flue and Combustion Releases
A lesser known feature of a boiler service is the flue and combustion releases enacted. The engineer will check the construction, termination and the route of the flue. For those unaware, the flue is the pipe that goes from your boiler to the outside of your house. In short, this part of the service will ensure the flue is safe and running smoothly.
The Cleaning of Components
It might be a surprise to no one to learn that when the heating engineer is carrying out their service, they will clean certain components of the boiler. Not only will this rather simple but effective technique improve the overall performance of your heating system but it ensures the boiler lasts significantly longer.
The Necessary Checks
A safe and effective boiler service must encompass a significant amount of necessary checks. These checks can, include but are not limited to, checks on the following:
- General Boiler Operation
- Flue Efficiency
- Sealants
- Wiring connections
- Location of the boiler and nearby combustible materials
- Pressure flow
- Adequate ventilation
- Thermostat
- Flame sense device
- Pilot burner
Record Keeping and Consultation
Falling more in the realms of aftercare, is the process of record keeping and consolation. Record keeping will be conducted to ensure that any issues which were addressed will remain resolved as well as keeping a better overall picture of the general health and state of your heating system going forward.
A consultation will then take place with you to ensure you understand what has taken place as well as putting together a plan for a future boiler servicing scheme.
Do You Require Boiler Servicing?
If you require boiler servicing of any kind, whether that be for your commercial heating or general boiler repair, please be sure to contact us. At Royale Boilers, our team of highly trained heating engineers in Stoke-on-Trent are experienced and more than happy to help.