Helping The UK Be Powered by Green Energy by 2035

Based on the progress the UK is making developing its renewable electricity infrastructure, the Government is now targeting 100% green power by 2035. The fact that this is even a consideration is due to the mass deployment of offshore wind and other renewable sources, such as solar PV arrays. Policy makers have decided that upscaling renewable energy is the best way to protect consumers from shock gas prices rises and help meet net zero.
How would installing an air source heat pump help?
As it stands today, getting a heat pump installed in your property is likely to see improvements in your running costs compared with natural gas (of course compared with heating oil and especially LPG, heat pumps deliver significant running cost savings). In today’s energy mix, wholesale gas price rises affect not only the price consumers pay on their gas bill, but also have an impact on electricity prices. This is because the nation’s electricity grid must still source some of its electricity from natural gas.
Thankfully, however, the extent to which gas is required for electricity is becoming less all the time, as the grid welcomes more renewable electricity sources. As this trend continues, the rise in gas prices will have less of an effect on the rise in electricity prices. This result for customers will be cheaper, more stable electricity costs to heat your home all year round.
Furthermore, the so-called “green levies” - taxes on homeowners’ energy bills to pay for green energy measures - are being switched away from electricity and onto fossil fuels, such as natural gas, in the form of a carbon tax. This will further tip the balance in favour of heat pumps, as electricity becomes cheaper relative to natural gas.
As we get greener as country and the various green policies take effect, the reasons for switching to a heat pump make even more sense. enabling you to future proof your property from high running costs and spikes in energy prices.
Contact Royale Boiler Services today to start your home’s journey to a greener future!